A terabyte is enough space even for professionals, who compose a large proportion of the clientele of this service. You can set your camera to automatically back up your photos, or do it manually.
Once uploaded, you can organize you photos in a variety of ways to suit both amateurs and professionals alike. You can share, distribute and sell your photos, one by one or in any kind of grouping you can think of, again to suit both professionals and family snapshooters alike. You can also send them off to be bound into albums, calendars, murals for your wall, etc. You can also view and purchase the public photos by others. This is a highly useful service to society which I hope Yahoo maintains as it transitions to its new owners. I, for one am grateful for this excellent service. I actively recommend this service and have helped a number of people install it on their Android devices, iPhones and computers and helped them get off to a good start. Why do I do this? To assist Flickrs commercial success to ensure it continues to be there for my family and me.
Caribbean Jim about Flickr, v4.3.0